CARE Lab. has organised the first campaign on Sai Gon River in the framwork of COOPERA research program on “Sai Gon River: city and stream” (financed by the Rhone-Alpes Region, France) on Jan. 05 2016. The core-sediment sampling and physico-chemistry water profile measuring were carried out at different locations from Vam Thuat-Binh Loi to Kenh Te. For upstream and downstream locations, we will take samples on Jan. 07 2016.
Participating members: Prof. Desmet (Uni. of Tours); Prof. Babut (IRSTEA-Lyon); Dr. Mourier (Uni. of Limoges); Dr. Tú, Hoàng và Nhơn; Dr. Gratiot; Dr. Strady và Dr. Dũng (HCMUT).