Yearly Internal Project Proposal (YIPP): 2014 - 2023
The objective of this internal call is to stimulate research in and between faculties and to promote international collaborations. All faculties can apply and a part of the HCMUT money is the "seed money".
For more information: Download the list of all YIPP projects here
JEAI PLASTIC: 2019 - 2021
The JEAI PLASTIC is a collaboration between Ho Chi Minh University of Technology (HCMUT, VNU-HCM) and the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD). It is an interdisciplinary team that aims to create a group of researchers interested in the sources, transport, ingestion and contamination of microplastics in the river-estuary-coastal zone continuum.
For more information: Download here
LMI LECZ: 2019 - 2023
LECZ will address three main societal issues which deal with the quality of water bodies, risks and hazards, and water-related technologies. This project presents a unique opportunity to build on the Care laboratory framework and significantly consolidate and regionalise the dialogue between education-research-and society. Being able to anchor the CARE laboratory for several more years (10 years or more) is believed to be the most efficient way to apprehend the water-related challenges ongoing in the densely populated coastal zones of south Vietnam, and more broadly, in South East Asia.
For more information: Download here
PSF-Sud HGP-MEKONG: 2020 - 2022
The main objective of this project is to create the first Vietnamese and Cambodian hydrogeophysics research and teaching teams.The problems associated with underground water in South Cambodia and Vietnam, which share the Mekong Delta region, are linked to the integrated strategy for managing water resources in rural and urban areas. In the end, we hope to achieve their complete autonomy for courses and doctoral supervision in this discipline, which is essential for the study of water resources and their vulnerability.
For more information: Or Download here
La Région AURA: 2021 - 2023
The aim of the project is to develop analytical tools for alternative management of urban water in large cities and to test scenarios for decentralized management of urban waters. The project's purpose will be to offer an alternative vision to "sewerage" in a context of strong urbanization and in two very different urban sites. This project will be based on the recognized scientific expertise of Grenoble and Lyon research teams and the privileged partnership with the city and University of Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam.
For more information: Download here
Horizon 2020 MULTISOURCE: 2021 - 2024
The overall goal of MULTISOURCE is to, together with local, national, and international stakeholders, demonstrate a variety of about Enhanced Natural Treatment Solutions (ENTS) treating a wide range of urban waters and to develop innovative tools, methods, and business models that support citywide planning and long-term operations and maintenance of nature based solutions for water treatment, storage, and reuse in urban areas worldwide. The project includes seven pilots treating a wide range of urban waters. Two individual municipalities (Girona, Spain; Oslo, Norway), two metropolitan municipalities (Lyon, France; Milan, Italy), and international partners in Brazil, Vietnam, and the USA will contribute to each of the main project activities: ENTS pilots, risk assessment, business models, technology selection, and the MULTISOURCE Planning Platform.
For more information: Download here