Research areas
CARE gives priority on interdisciplinary researches in the fields of water and climate change including: Water Resource Management, Hydrology and Climate Change, Water and Wastewater Treatment Technology, Eco-toxicology. The specific research areas are as follows:
Water Quality Management
- Water resource management
- Management of coastal areas
- Policies on urban and industrial water using
- Integrate management of urban water
- Risk control of flooding
- Urban water management including drainage and supplying systems
Hydrology and Climate Change
- Impacts of climate change on water resources, mitigation and adaptation to climate change
- Impacts of climate change to salinization intrusion in water source for coastal cities
- Mitigation and adaptation measurements to climate change
- Set up scenarios of land losing / flooded in sea level rise
- Assessment of river erosion / coastal in climate change
- Impacts of climate change on water quality used for agriculture / aquaculture in delta areas
- Conflicts of water use among local regions and countries in river basin when lack of fresh water
- Impacts of climate change on hydrological regime of river
Water and Wastewater Treatment Technology
- Treatment technology for water and wastewater for urban, industrial and agriculture / aquaculture.
- Collect rainwater, wastewater and wastewater reuse.
- Ecological technologies, and wetlands.
- Rural water supply and sanitation.
- Urban water technology: hygiene water systems, wastewater treatment systems, pump / pump station, water consumption.
- Advanced technologies for water and wastewater.
- Application of membrane technology in water and wastewater treatment
- Sludge treatment
- Use tropical organisms / indigenous to evaluate toxicity
- Assess health impact due to contaminated water
- Evaluation of endocrine disorders compounds (EDCs) in water
- Assessment of bioaccumulation of trace contaminants / heavy metals on aquatic life.