Prof. Georges Vachaud and Dr. Dung Tran have just given two oral presentations at 1 and 2 “Resiliency and Climate Change”, respectively (see here), in the international conference on Water, Megacities and Global Change hold on Dec. 1 – 4 2015, in UNESCO, Paris. This event, included in the official program of the COP21, has been a good occasion to exchange the water-related challenges of the megacities and the climate change impacts on their inhabitants.
The Conference has brought together different groups working on Water: scientists, representatives of technical services and decision-makers of local, national and international organizations. Beside the traditional sessions of oral and poster sessions, the half of the conference time was dedicated to the panel discussions and workshops for experience exchanges of technique and management successions and difficulties in big cities worldwide. (see conference program)
The partners of CARE-Lab participated also in the conference: Profs Bruno Tassin, Laurent Charlet and Marc Desmet.
All fees for Dr. Dung Tran’s conference venue are covered by the ARCEAU-IDF and IRD.