26/09/2019 11:00 AM GMT+7 TP HCM
On Tuesday, 17 September 2019, CARE center welcomed CNRS delegation, Mr. Yannick Giraud-Héraud, directeur de recherché CNRS; Ms.Fatima LAGGOUN, directrice de recherche CNRS à l’Institut des Sciences de la Terre d’Orléans (ISTO) and Mr.Filipe AIRES, LERMA Observatoire de Paris, CNRS, Sorbonne Universités.
As Rescif’s goal “international dynamic”, CARE is here for international collaboration. The meeting was continued with presentations of IJL Le-CARE, short point PFIEV, JEAI Plastic and present current researches. Dr. Filipe Aires, CNRS, had presentation of the work conducted during the last year on water cycle in the frontier between Cambodia and Vietnam. Dr.Fatima Laggoun discussed on options of collaboration with CNRS; among the options of development with CNRS tools. The meeting ended with the result promising long-term and sustainable cooperation.
On 22/10/2015, CARE has organized the meeting of the Scientific Council with the chairmanship of Dr. Nicolas Gratiot - Director and Chairman of the Scientific Council, Assoc. Pro. Vo Le Phu (on behalf of Assoc. Pro. Nguyen Phuoc Dan - Deputy Chairman)
Project description The availability of High Resolution Imagery (spatial, spectral, and radiometric) with an increased time revisit (Landsat-8 and now Sentinel-2) opens the way to a more detailed observation of coastal zones and inland waters (large rivers, lakes and reservoirs)
On 08 September 2016, the delegation from Institute of Research for Development (IRD – France) led by Mr. Thierry Lebel - Director of the Promotion of Interdisciplinary and Intersectoriality and Mr. Frédéric Ménard
The pretty work, a monography collection of 15 megacities in the world about "Water, megacities and Global Change”, has been published by UNESCO. The CARE Lab-HCMUT Researchers are honored to represent Ho Chi Minh City by contributing an article
CARE Lab-HCMUT is pleased to present you our publication of the monography "Ho Chi Minh City growing with water-related challenges".
CARE Lab-HCMUT and PADDI, a member of the Ho Chi Minh City delegation, participated in the 26th Environment exhibition POLLUTEC, Lyon (France), which took place from 30/11 to 02/12/2016.
Tuteur: Dr. BUI Xuan ThanhAssociate Professor in Environmental Engineering,Head, Department of Water Science & Technology Faculty of Environment & Natural Resources