23/11/2017 3:00 PM GMT+7 TP HCM
From Vietnam : The Saigon River project , Final Meeting This meeting was organized at the HoChiMinh City University of Technology (HCM UT) in Oct.16 and 17, 2017 . Its aim was to present the results obtained in the frame of a multidisciplinary two-year programme funded by Region Auvergne- Rhone- Alpes, and Francophone University Association (AUF). The programme was dealing with the impacts of the development of HoChiMinh city, coupled with possible effects of climate change, on the environmental status of the SaiGon river-Mekong Delta continuum. Three main issues were covered :
The success of the programme was resting on the existence of CARE (Asian Water Research Center, http://carerescif.hcmut.edu.vn/en/), an international research laboratory under a joint funding agreement between HCM UT, Institut de Recherche en Développement, IRD and Grenoble INP, with in particular 4 permanent researchers from France.
Published on the Journal of Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, April 2015, in Vietnamese
On the occasion of the arrival of Dr. Nicolas GRATIOT for the new function “Scientific Director of CARE”
Among scientific activities of CARE-Rescif, Dr. Vo Thanh Hang, Lecturer of Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources
On the third December 2015, in the framework of the project on coastal erosion, in Nha Trang (Khanh Hoa),
Prof. Georges Vachaud and Dr. Dung Tran have just given two oral presentations at 1 and 2 “Resiliency and Climate Change”, respectively
CARE Lab. has organised the first campaign on Sai Gon River in the framwork of COOPERA research program on “Sai Gon River: city and stream” (financed by the Rhone-Alpes Region, France) on Jan. 05 2016. The core-sediment sampling and physico-chemistry
October 8 – 2015, CARE Laboratory organised short-term training course on trace metal measurements in aquatic environments with the guidance of Dr. Emilie Strady (CARE Lab. - HCMUT) Participants include: Staff of FENR-CARE (An, Tam and Vy),