We are pleased to announce the 3rd session of the MOOC "Rivers and human-being - hydrology, hydraulics, fluvial geomorphology".
You can read contents on the next page: http://mooc-RdH.info. This year the content will be subtitled in English, French and Vietnamese. The course has the participation of 10 experts aiming to provide information on the internet for everyone.
This MOOC introduced disciplinary concepts basing on authentic case studies in different sites: Mexico, Benin, Vietnam, Ecuador, France ... Its aim is to provide methods and techniques used in both North and South. It is intended for technicians and practitioners who wish to better understand the meaning of their daily actions. It is also for engineers wishing to update their knowledge or adaption.
It will provide case oriented approach and applications highlighting environmental and social challenges for students in the field of environmental engineering, water management and river hydraulics. This MOOC will not only be an opportunity for you to discover the video presentations by ten experts but also to participate in forums for exchange on this subject with other students or professionals in the North-South francophone.
The course starts September 13, 2016 on the platform FUN (France Université Numérique). You can also follow us on Twitter or on Facebook @MOOC_RdH Mooc Rdh.