14/01/2016 2:00 PM GMT+7 TP HCM
The short course was hold at CARE Lab on Jan. 11-12th 2016 and given by Prof. Marc Desmet (Paleo-limnologist, Tours University), Dr. Marc Babut (Ecotoxicologist, IRSTEA Lyon) and Dr. Brice Mourier (Limnogeologist, Limoges University). This group of experts presented different theories, with which the partipants could use to assess sediment quality and infer from that in terms of pollution sources, temporal trends et impacts on ecosystems. Particularly, some lab tools sampling and analyzing sediment core were transported from France to serve the practice session of the course. The participants are from different backgrounds (geological, environmental, chemical, civil engineering, etc). Thus, this short course was a good occasion enabling the participants to accumulate more new knowledge and to make interdisciplinary researches.
Could be loaded here. “Honestly, this course was extremely interesting. I learnt a lot of useful lessons. I hope that in the future I and other students could have more opportunities to approach other short course like this one” (Vu, student from FERN). “One of the most important thing is that we could exchange ideas and experiences. So that, we gained a lot of valuable knowledge in both geological and environmental field. A great thanks to Prof. Babut, Prof. Desmet and Dr. Mourier who spend the time to share their expertise and always ready to explain for our questions” (Hoang, student from GEOPET).
In the collaboration framework between Center for Natural Resources and Environmental Monitoring (CEM) and Centre Asiatique de Recherche sur l’Eau (CARE), from 12/06 to 16/06/2017
From April 16th to April 21st, 2008, CARE Lab has collaborated with the Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, to organize a short course
From April 9 to April 14, 2018, CARE laboratory held the first training school on Hydrogeophysics which is the domain of geophysics applied to groundwater investigation
From April 16th to April 21st, 2008, CARE Lab has collaborated with the Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, to organize a short course guided by Dr. Marc Descloitres of Institut des Géosciences de l’Environnement (IGE), France
After 2018's edition (dedicated to Electrical Tomography), the second hydrogeophysics training school proposes an intensive course focusing on two geophysical methods applied to hydrological and hydrogeological problems in the surrounding of HCM
From April 8-12, 2019, CARE laboratory organized the 2nd Hydrogeophysics Training School on hydrogeophysics, which is a branch of geophysics applied to groundwater investigation.
On 2nd, July, 2019, at room 104 in Asian Center for Water Research (CARE-Rescif), Grow Green Vietnam presented a training session on raising awareness about plastic pollution.