19/08/2022 1:00 PM GMT+7 TP HCM
Vietnam #HGP-Mekong #Training School #Hydrogeophysics
From 16th to 19th August 2022
Learning hydro-geophysical investigation methods in Vietnam
The second training school of the PSF project “HGP-Mekong”, granted by the French Institute for Sustainable Science (IRD), has been held in august 2022 at the University of Technology of Ho Chi Minh City (HCMUT), Vietnam, at the Faculty of Geology of Petroleum Technology (GEOPET) . “HGP” means “hydrogeophysics” and this science is dedicated to the investigation of the shallow soils and rock to help to quantify the groundwater resources and their vulnerability. Actually, in the north agricultural landscape of the megacity, the groundwater resources are in danger because the infiltration during the rainy season that could bring some pollutants to the water table (pesticides). In the frame of the International Joint Laboratory “LECZ CARE”, the aim of the project is to teach the main geophysical methods to create images of the ground, from the surface, in order to understand where is the water, and if it is protected from pollutions. The training session was dedicated to the Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), lasted 4 days including a field trip, and involved 20 students of HCMUT.
Contacts: Thanh Truong Quoc: tquocthanh@hcmut.edu.vn and Marc Descloitres : marc.descloitres@ird.fr
Apprendre les méthodes d'investigation hydro-géophysique au Vietnam
La deuxième école de formation du projet PSF "HGP-Mekong", financé par l’IRD, s'est tenue en août 2022 à l'Université de Technologie de Ho Chi Minh Ville (HCMUT), au Vietnam au sein de la Faculté e géologie GEOPET. "HGP" signifie "hydrogéophysique" et cette science est dédiée à l'étude des sols et des roches peu profonds pour aider à quantifier les ressources en eau souterraine et leur vulnérabilité. En effet, dans le paysage agricole du nord de la mégalopole, les ressources en eau souterraine sont en danger à cause de l'infiltration pendant la saison des pluies qui pourrait apporter des polluants à la nappe phréatique (pesticides). Dans le cadre du Laboratoire Mixte International « LECZ-CARE », le but du projet est d'enseigner les principales méthodes géophysiques pour créer des images du sol, depuis la surface, afin de comprendre où se trouve l'eau, et si elle est protégée des pollutions. La session de formation, consacrée à la tomographie par résistivité électrique, a duré 4 jours, y compris une sortie pédagogique sur le terrain, et a impliqué 20 étudiants de HCMUT.
Contacts: Thanh Truong Quoc: tquocthanh@hcmut.edu.vn et Marc Descloitres : marc.descloitres@ird.fr
The short course was hold at CARE Lab on Jan. 11-12th 2016 and given by Prof. Marc Desmet (Paleo-limnologist, Tours University), Dr. Marc Babut (Ecotoxicologist, IRSTEA Lyon) and Dr. Brice Mourier (Limnogeologist, Limoges University)
In the collaboration framework between Center for Natural Resources and Environmental Monitoring (CEM) and Centre Asiatique de Recherche sur l’Eau (CARE), from 12/06 to 16/06/2017
From April 16th to April 21st, 2008, CARE Lab has collaborated with the Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, to organize a short course
From April 9 to April 14, 2018, CARE laboratory held the first training school on Hydrogeophysics which is the domain of geophysics applied to groundwater investigation
From April 16th to April 21st, 2008, CARE Lab has collaborated with the Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, to organize a short course guided by Dr. Marc Descloitres of Institut des Géosciences de l’Environnement (IGE), France
After 2018's edition (dedicated to Electrical Tomography), the second hydrogeophysics training school proposes an intensive course focusing on two geophysical methods applied to hydrological and hydrogeological problems in the surrounding of HCM
From April 8-12, 2019, CARE laboratory organized the 2nd Hydrogeophysics Training School on hydrogeophysics, which is a branch of geophysics applied to groundwater investigation.