15/05/2018 2:00 PM GMT+7 TP HCM
9-14 april 2018
HCM University of Technology
CARE laboratory, Ho Chi Minh City VIETNAM
Project report « LABEX International OSUG@2020
From April 9 to April 14, 2018, CARE laboratory held the first training school on Hydrogeophysics which is the domain of geophysics applied to groundwater investigation. Around 25 students from the faculty of geology and the faculty of Environmental Resources of HCM University of Technology attended an intensive course of 6 full days focusing on one of the main geophysical method applied to hydrological and hydrogeological problems that could be applied in Vietnam: resistivity methods (Direct Current -DC and Electromagnetic -EM) which are one of the most appropriate parameter for hydrogeological problems (coastal aquifers, salt water intrusion, hard rock and sedimentary aquifers) within the range 0-50 to 100 m deep. They used Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and Time Domain (TDEM) techniques during the field training.
The training school was co-supported by the LABEX OSUG@2020 project, the HCMUT University (lunches, bus for field trip and CARE Laboratory.
The class room work was oriented to practice of the resistivity software for typical geological situations as well as an introduction to the Time Domain Electromagnetic method.
Day 1 / class room | Day 2 / class room | Day 3 / class room | Day 4 / class room | Day 5 / class room | Day 6 / class room |
Monday 16 aprilElectrical tomography method: | Tuesday 17 april Electrical tomography method | Wednesday 18 april Electromagnetic method | Thursday 19 april Morning: departure for field work ERT measurement Night close to the field | Friday 20 april TDEM measurements Afternoon Back from field work | Saturday 21 april Field data interpretation Starts 10 h to 16 h |
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For the fieldwork, we surveyed during 2 days a test site located in Ben Tre province, using electrical tomography (2 profiles) and 24 TDEM soundings. This site is characterized by clayey and salty aquifers close to the surface. The objective was to detect the salty aquifer but also a deeper aquifer (30-50 meters deep) with fresh water. This objective was reached using the TDEM method, which was able to detect a more resistive layer below 30 m. The resistivity of this layer should be confirmed using larger TDEM loop in the future.
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For 2019, if funding are available, we could organized another training school focusing on other geophysical methods for quantifying groundwater resources, such as Magnetic Resonance Sounding
NGUYỄN THÀNH ĐẠT | 1510693@hcmut.edu.vn |
TRẦN QUỐC TRUNG | 1414314@hcmut.edu.vn |
NGUYỄN THÀNH TÀI | thanhtaiqng@gmail.com |
VĂN PHI HÙNG | vanphihungbk@gmail.com |
NGUYỄN THẾ ĐƯỢC | Nguyentheduoc235@gmail.com |
PHAN TRẦN NHẬT DUY | 1510499@hcmut.edu.vn |
VÕ TRẦN THẾ VĨ | 1514084@hcmut.edu.vn |
SHARVNEE RAJA MOHAN | sharvnee34@gmail.com |
NGUYỄN NHẬT QUANG | nhquangt@gmail.com |
TRẦN HỒNG HẠNH | honghanhtran2103@gmail.com |
KIỀU NGUYÊN BÌNH | kieubinh82@gmail.com |
NGUYỄN VÕ TRỌNG VŨ | vunvt@pvep.com.vn |
TỐNG ĐĂNG KHOA | dkhoa142@gmail.com |
LÊ VĂN TRƯỜNG | letrg81@gmail.com |
PHAN NGUYỄN HỒNG NGỌC | Ngocphan1201@gmail.com |
NGUYỄN KIÊN QUYÊT | nguyenquyet411@gmail.com |
TEE YEAN YEAN | teeyeanyean@hotmail.com |
NGÔ TẤN PHONG | ngotanphong@hcmut.edu.vn |
TRANG NGUYỄN ĐĂNG KHOA | trangnguyendangkhoa@gmail.com |
LE HOANG VU | vu.le1007@hcmut.edu.vn |
TRẦN HOÀNG ÂN | antran0318@gmail.com |
THẨM THỊ NGỌC HÂN | thamhan.3001@gmail.com |
KIÊU LÊ THỦY CHUNG | kltchung@hcmut.edu.vn |
NGUYỄN THỊ KHÁNH HUYỀN | 1511321@hcmut.edu.vn |
ĐỖ PHÚ SANG | 1512780@hcmut.edu.vn |
The short course was hold at CARE Lab on Jan. 11-12th 2016 and given by Prof. Marc Desmet (Paleo-limnologist, Tours University), Dr. Marc Babut (Ecotoxicologist, IRSTEA Lyon) and Dr. Brice Mourier (Limnogeologist, Limoges University)
In the collaboration framework between Center for Natural Resources and Environmental Monitoring (CEM) and Centre Asiatique de Recherche sur l’Eau (CARE), from 12/06 to 16/06/2017
From April 16th to April 21st, 2008, CARE Lab has collaborated with the Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, to organize a short course
From April 16th to April 21st, 2008, CARE Lab has collaborated with the Faculty of Geology & Petroleum Engineering, Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, to organize a short course guided by Dr. Marc Descloitres of Institut des Géosciences de l’Environnement (IGE), France
After 2018's edition (dedicated to Electrical Tomography), the second hydrogeophysics training school proposes an intensive course focusing on two geophysical methods applied to hydrological and hydrogeological problems in the surrounding of HCM
From April 8-12, 2019, CARE laboratory organized the 2nd Hydrogeophysics Training School on hydrogeophysics, which is a branch of geophysics applied to groundwater investigation.
On 2nd, July, 2019, at room 104 in Asian Center for Water Research (CARE-Rescif), Grow Green Vietnam presented a training session on raising awareness about plastic pollution.