19/09/2018 1:23 AM GMT+7 TP HCM
Her research subject for this internship is “Some green solutions for a better treatment of water challenges in the megacity of HoCHiMinh city” under the guidance of Dr. Nicolas Gratiot, from 23/04/2018 to 06/07/2018.
Her subject for this internship is “Caractérisation des microplastiques dans les sédiments de surface urbaine” guided by Dr. Émilie Strady and Dr. Kieu Le Thuy Chung from 23/04/2018 to 29/06/2018
CARE center has recently welcomed a, Soline ALLIGANT. Soline is going to work at CARE for 08 days from March 18th to March 26th, 2018. This trip is to sample following the tide cycle in Ho Chi Minh City with the supervisors of Dr. Émilie STRADY and Dr. Thuy Chung KIEU LE, Hochiminh city University of Technology, HCMUT.
The subject of Wendling Margot for this internship is “Development of anaerobic MBR technology in Tannery wastewater treatment” under the guidance of Prof. Bui Xuan Thanh, from 26/02/2018 to 04/05/2018. And Lena Bonin’s subject is “Study of water quality and its impact on public health in South Vietnam” under the guidance of Dr. Nicolas Gratiot, from 01/03/2018 to 15/06/2018.
The subject of Rémi Petit for this internship is “Impact of Ba Lai Dam on social economic development in Ben Tre province” guided by Dr. Nicolas Gratiot and Vincent Viel from Feb 26th to April 27th, 2018. And Alice Peyne’s subject is “Research on the causalities between the eutrophication of the Saigon River and the urbanization of its watershed” guided by Dr. Nicolas Gratiot from Feb 5th to May 18th, 2018.
Marie Foch and Louise Busi, students of École Nationale du Génie de l’Eau et de l’Environnement de Strasbourg – ENGEES, France. Ms. Foch will research on subject: « Étudier le drainage urbain de l’eau à Ho Chi Minh ville, Vietnam en raison de pluies exceptionnelles en appliquant le modèle numérique 1D + 2D », under the supervision of Dr. Nicolas Gratiot. And Ms. Busi had chosen the subject: « Ecotoxicology: impact of pollutants on aquatic organisms. », under the supervisor of Dr. Dao Thanh Son. They will begin their internship from 02/05/2018 to 28/07/2018.
Lisa Barrucan and Pauline Flobinus, they will perform together the project: “The use of green roofs for the treatment of domestic WW”.
These students will begin their placement from 25/05/2018 to 17/08/2018, with their supervisor, Assoc.Prof Dr. Bui Xuan Thanh.
Traitement des effluents issus de l’orpaillage et des activités de teinture par des méthodes hybrides
As part of the development of the joint laboratory of Asian Centre for Water Research (CARE) based at the Polytechnic Institute in Ho Chi Minh City (IP-HCMC) Vietnam
The CARE center has welcomed Ms. Veronica del Rosario Diaz Sosa, master's student in the Erasmus Mundus Master Programme on Environmental Technology and Engineering - IMETE (Ghent University - Belgium) from 09/02 to 26/06/2015
The CARE center is pleased to announce Ms. Thien-Kim Le Nguyen, student of the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT - Vietnam)
The CARE center has welcomed Mr. Timothée Bonnet, student of the University Joseph Fourier Grenoble I (France) from 02/03 to 27/04/2015
In collaborative research, exchange of experts program of CARE-Rescif; Ms. Joanne Aimé, international volunteer of the Institute of Research and Development (IRD, France)
CARE has welcomed two students, Temasek Polytechnique of Singapore under a student exchange program of Hochiminh city University of Technology (HCMUT), from 21 March 2016 to 16 September 2016.